Welcome to
A Victorian Port frozen in time...
Townsend Harbor began in the heyday of the gold rush and her history is one of booming business and elegant secrets. Take a tour of our Painted Ladies and Victorian architecture and stay a while in one of our historic Bed & Breakfasts or hotels. We have all the luxuries of the city, including museums, galleries, spas, apparel and fine dining. Some of the most interesting shops can be found on Water Street, like Nevermore Bookstore and Bazaar Girls. From chic to unique, you'll find something to love!
Meet some of our Townsendites

Townsend Harbor Events
Farmer's Market @ Water Street Park:
Every other Sunday from 8:00am to 1:00pm (except Holidays)
Barenaked Book Club @ Nevermore Bookstore:
Every Thursday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Stitch & Bitch Club @ Bazaar Girls:
Every Sunday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Townsend Harbor Businesses

Art design and book cover design by Staci Hart.
Copyright 2023 by Kerrigan Byrne, Cynthia St. Aubin and Arden Harper Books, et al. No part of this website may be copied, transferred or used in any way, whether virtual or physical, without express written permission of both Kerrigan Byrne and Cynthia St. Aubin. All rights reserved. For inquiries please email ardenharperbooks@gmail.com